IFSC CLIMBING WORLD CUP was held in Moscow from June 17 to 20, 2010. Specifically for the competitions, JSA set the impressive complex of climbing walls under one big roof (32m span) in the area between pavilion N1 and the “Druzhba narodov” (Friendship of Peoples) fountain in the All-Russia Exhibition Centre (VDNH).
The maximum height of the climbing walls was 15 meters, and the whole width of the artificial rock was 30 meters. The climbing walls were placed on a special stage structure and covered with a roof in case of bad weather. The stage had equipped with sound and lighting equipment. Additionally, for the spectators of the competition, a grandstand (tribune) with 1000 seats was installed opposite the stage.
News about this event on website of CLIMBING FEDERATION of Russia
Magazine Men’s Health: Naskal’naya zhizn’ (Rock Life)
Версия на русском языке: КУБОК МИРА IFSC ПО СКАЛОЛАЗАНИЮ 2010. МОСКВА, РОССИЯ, 17-20 ИЮНЯ
© All photos are the copyright of JSA Stage Company.