From May 12 to 16, 2009, the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Moscow. There had been 54 competitions before that, and it was the first time in Russia. All preliminary and final shows were held in the Sports Complex Olimpiyskiy. This event had a large-scale production with various designs. A lot of Layher scaffolding, Prolyte structures, and other trussing and rigging systems were used.

JSA also took part in this project. The company had a large section on the installation of structures. JSA provided general supervision and control over compliance with the quality and reliability of installation of all constructions in the production area.

The main object of JSA’s responsibility was the Green Room – a place for meeting, communicating, and waiting for representatives of all teams participating in the competition.

Below is a set of photos:

Other constructions in the area that were under the supervision and responsibility of the JSA – Structures of walls and FOH by Layher Scaffolding.

Some pictures of the moments during the general installation of the production case.

Exclusive pictures of the moments of the equipment settings before the start of the competition and before the opening of the hall door for the audience.

Magazine AUDIENCE (Issue 113): “Eurovision Song Contest: a spectacular showcase”

You can also see the page with information and photos about the participation of JSA Europe as part of the local production team for the installation and operation of the Hospitality and VIP Area at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 in Kyiv, Ukraine

Версия на русском языке: КОНКУРС ПЕСНИ ЕВРОВИДЕНИЕ 2009

© All photos are the copyright of JSA Stage Company.