On June 24, the legendary Roger Waters, creative leader and author of the most famous songs of the Pink Floyd group, gave a concert on Vasilyevsky Spusk on Red Square. This was the first performance of the famous musician near the walls of the Moscow Kremlin, which took place as part of his world tour “The Dark Side of the Moon”. JSA managed the technical support, some organizational issues of the production part and staging of this historic concert.

In the middle part of Vasilyevsky Spusk, between the bridge over the Moscow River and the Kremlin wall, JSA installed a large stage made of Layher systems, its size was 26 x 18 meters, the total height of the roof was more than 17 meters. The installation in this place was due to the fact that in the lower part of the square there was a container camp of workers for the restoration of the Kremlin objects. The stage structure used a Layher cassette roof with a steel sheet covering, which made it possible to use pyro and open flame effects on the upper part. Along the perimeter of the stalls, JSA built additional sound towers to create the famous quadraphonic sound of the Pink Floyd group. A backstage town and a production office were equipped behind the stage, security barriers were installed near the stage, the show area was fenced with fences. In addition, JSA attracted the best Russian sound, light, screen and pyrotechnic companies to implement the artist’s technical rider.

Many of his fans and connoisseurs of live performances came to watch the performance of the rock music legend and, most importantly, to listen to the famous hits of composer Roger Waters at the Kremlin walls. On Vasilievsky Spusk, a seated stalls for 7,000 people were installed in front of the stage, and on the left side of the stage, at the foot of St. Basil’s Cathedral, a standing area was allocated, with a capacity of about 10,000 people. The plan for the placement of the event facilities was developed by JSA with the assistance of the security agency “KARAT-C” and approved by the FSO and the Moscow police.

The company’s team of specialists fully implemented the idea of ​​the concert organizers and the show’s director, the cult person – Mark Fisher. Known for his scenography for many concerts by Pink Floyd and other world performers. During Roger Waters’ three-hour performance from the JSA stage, the best hits from various Pink Floyd albums and from his solo albums were performed, and in the second part of the concert almost all the compositions from the album “The Dark Side of The Moon” were performed.

Concerts of world-class stars on Vasilyevsky Spusk of Red Square have already become a habit not only for the audience, but also for the traditional technical partner of such shows – the JSA company. Nevertheless, each such event is important and responsible for the activities of the JSA team.

“When holding the concert on Vasilyevsky Spusk of Red Square, JSA was responsible to the artist and organizers for the full production and logistics of the concert. The company coped with the task set – the legendary music of Pink Floyd performed by Roger Waters sounded from the JSA stage,” said JSA President Alexander Strizhak.

Magazine AUDIENCE (Issue 77) – JSA’s Dark Side in Moscow

Show Master Magazine (in Russian) – «Comfortably Numb» на Красной площади / “Comfortably Numb” on Red Square

Link to PDF of pages of the magazine “Show Master” No. 2 2006 (45)

Official press release from JSA (in Russian): Легендарная музыка Pink Floyd прозвучала со сцены JSA / Legendary Pink Floyd Music Sounds From JSA Stage

See also the article on this topic on our website: ROGER WATERS’ “DARK SIDE OF THE MOON” ON PALACE SQUARE IN ST. PETERSBURG


© All photos are the copyright of JSA Stage Company.