Seeing off 2022, we remember that Putin’s Russia attacked Ukraine on February 24 and there is currently a real war in a part of Europe. This caused many problems and negative changes in the lives of many people worldwide: in Ukraine, Europe, and also in Russia. This sad circumstance doesn’t allow us to feel and enjoy Christmas and the New Year 2023 to the fullest.

Nevertheless, we continue to live in this world and, despite the difficulties, we must remain strong and maintain dignity. And even after two years of disastrous “Quarantine”, even after the instant loss of a large market part because of the war, the company JSA Europe was able to find the strength to continue its activities. We have managed to rebuild the business model in a new way recently and now we look with hope and confidence into the near future.

And besides this, our team as a volunteer helps Ukraine. We provide support for charity events and send humanitarian cargo to Ukrainian militaries and civilians. We are working closely with the Ukrainian public organization in Latvia – the Confederation “VICHE” / Конфедерація Українців Латвії ВІЧЕ and with the Ukrainian embassy in Latvia. JSA is always in touch with our employees and friends in Ukraine and also helps them.

We wish the war ended as soon as possible, and we wish everyone peace and prosperity, joy and happiness in families for the new year!

Версия на русском языке: ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ С РОЖДЕСТВОМ И НОВЫМ 2023 ГОДОМ!